**NEW** Geography with Kids (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on the benefits of geography, and how to start with very basic lessons, and build on children’s scaffolding of knowledge up to the world map and flags of the world. It also covers introducing the concept of mapping to your class, along with how to incorporate cultural learning with physical geography. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Art for Kids $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in art & creativity, and setting up activities and programs to enhance the art skills & readiness of preschool children. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Autism Awareness $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course was written with the help of Jill Germain Estrada, who is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with diverse experience in school, clinical, and international educative and behavior analytic settings. It will explain the key factors related to Autism, and will cover current information and classroom/teaching adaptations. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Health, Safety & Nutrition” training.
Behavior Strategies $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in behavior management and information on setting up activities and programs to improve the behavior of preschool children. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Interactions” training.
Brain Power $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This class provides an understanding of the development of the human brain. Current brain research and background information is explained. An emphasis is placed on lessons/activities that childcare providers can guide young children through to advance learning A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Growth and Development” training.
Classroom Management $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in classroom management. Information on setting up activities and programs to improve the classroom climate. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Interactions” training.
Curriculum Development for Infants $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on brain research, the infant learning process, and appropriate activities/lessons for infants. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Curriculum Development for Toddlers $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on brain research, the toddler learning process, and appropriate activities/lessons for toddlers. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of "Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Diversity in the Classroom $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on diversity, prejudges, equity, culture, diversity in the classroom, and policies around these issues. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Interactions” training.
Early Interventions $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will help you guide families through the assessment, screening, and evaluation of the early intervention process. A resource book will be provided for this class, and services explained. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Ongoing Measurement of Child Progress” training.
Facilities & Classroom set-up $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on appropriate activities, room arrangement, centers, and room management. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Family Communication & Involvement $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on family structure, relationships, communication, and behavior problems. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Family & Community Partners” training.
Fitness for Kids $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on eating habits/nutrition, exercise, active play, childhood obesity, and health risks. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Health, Safety & Nutrition” training.
Literacy Development $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in literacy, and setting up activities and programs to improve the literacy skills of preschool children. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Planning Lessons for Pre-School $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on brain research, the preschool learning process, and appropriate activities/lessons for preschoolers. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Preventing Childhood Obesity $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will provide solid information on the prevention of childhood obesity within the childcare setting. Nutrition summaries are provided for all age groups. Meal time, food from home, and physical activity are covered. A resource book will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Health, Safety & Nutrition” training
Building Math Skills $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in pre-math, and setting up activities and programs to improve the math readiness of preschool children. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Building Reading Skills $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in pre-reading, and setting up activities and programs to improve the reading readiness of preschool children. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Building Science Skills $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on enhancing skills in pre-science, and setting up activities and programs to improve the science readiness of Preschool children. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
This course is specifically for Child Care Center Directors, Home Child Care Owners, and/or Program Supervisors. This course will cover the management skills needed to run a child care facility. The NAEYC Code of Ethics, Mission Statements, Portfolios, and Professional Growth Plans are covered. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of Professional Development & Leadership training.
Professional Development and Leadership #2: Hiring Staff (STARS 10 Hours)
This course is specifically for Child Care Center Directors, Child Care Owners, and/or Program Supervisors. This course will cover the management skills needed to run a child care facility. Organizational Structure, Hiring Standards, Interviewing, and Orientations will be covered. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of Professional Development & Leadership training.
Professional Development and Leadership #3: Staff Meetings (STARS 10 Hours)
This course is specifically for Child Care Center Directors, Child Care Owners, and/or Program Supervisors. This course will cover the management skills needed to run a child care facility. Code of Conduct, Ongoing Staff Training, Staff Morale, and Creating Meeting Agendas will be covered. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. At completion a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Professional Development & Leadership” training.
Prop Box Activities $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This course will cover units on the development and use of prop boxes in a preschool setting. A workbook and website links will be provided for this class. You will build several prop boxes suitable for the interests and age levels of the students in your care. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.
Understanding Core Competencies $100 (STARS 10 Hours)
This class provides an understanding of the key core competencies. All eight content areas are explored. Units include Growth & Development, Curriculum, Measurement of progress, Family & Community, Health, Safety & Nutrition, Interactions, Program Planning, and Professional Development. A resource book will be provided for this class. At completion, a certificate will be issued. The STARS/MERIT credit earned is 10 Hours of “Curriculum & Learning Environment” training.